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স্বাস্থ্য | From bone health to improving nervous system, moringa leaves have amazing health benefits

Porni Banerjee | ০৮ জুলাই ২০২৪ ১৩ : ০৩Porni Banerjee

The recipe of Indian drumsticks curry tastes super scrumptious. But very few people know that its leaves, commonly known as moringa leaves also have a wide range of health benefits. These leaves find place in Indian cuisine owing to its versatility and high nutritional value. From including them to juices or consuming them as stir-fry vegetables, moringa leaves can maintain your overall health.

Rich in nutrients – Moringa leaves are considered superfood as they are packed with essential nutrients such as vitamins A, C, B, B2, B3, B6, Folate, magnesium, iron, calcium, phosphorus, and zinc – all contributing to overall good health and wellness.

Strengthens bone health – Regular consumption of moringa leaves can improve the condition of bone health as they are rich in calcium and phosphorus. The anti-inflammatory properties in moringa leaves combat arthritis as well.

Aids weight management – Moringa leaves accelerate the fat burning process in the body, thereby slimming down the person keeping the body’s energy intact.

Cures nervous disorders – Moringa leaves are known to show positive results in curing many nerve-related problems. They support cognitive health and improve brain function owing to its high concentration of vitamins E and C. Those suffering from migraine or frequent attacks of headaches can also get benefits from the consumption of moringa leaves.

Cleanses the system – Moringa leaves act as natural cleansers that detoxifies the entire body from within and enhances immune system, thereby warding off a wide range of diseases.

Improves gut health – Moringa leaves can also benefit those who regularly suffer from digestive issues. Its consumption can prevent constipation, bloating, gas, gastritis and ulcerative colitis. A rich source of Vitamin B, moringa leaves can improve overall digestion.

Other benefits of moringa leaves

Including moringa leaves in the diet can also protect the liver, lowers blood sugar level and cholesterol, fights inflammation and fights multiple bacterial infections as they are antiseptic in nature.

Potential downsides of moringa leaves

Despite its multiple health benefits, consumption of moringa leaves is not suitable for pregnant and breastfeeding women. Additionally, people on blood thinners should also avoid moringa leaves and consult their physician. 

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